In-Edit International

¡Celebramos nuestro 20 aniversario!​


20 Years of In-Edit International

Just a few days after the first edition at Club Helena, the first In-Edit Barcelona, the couple appeared in my office. Javiera and Carlos. I remember Javiera, with a strong Chilean accent and a firm conviction that In-Edit in Chile would work.

Without thinking too much and without being aware of the value of that decision, we jumped in headfirst, and here we are, celebrating 20 years in Chile and therefore 20 years of internationalizing In-Edit.

That impromptu impulse gave us a clear vision: the project could travel. Soon after, came Brazil (with its tireless director Marcelo), Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Mexico, Germany, the Netherlands, Greece, Miami, Los Angeles, and all the cities within each country that make up this vast network of festivals, with this leadership forged over slow fire.

I want to thank all the partners around the world; all the directors and their teams; the volunteers who are so necessary; the audience, who, although of different nationalities, always seem a little alike: the same concerns, the same curiosity…

To all the institutions and all the sponsors, without whose help it would not have been possible, thank you very much!

Finally, I want to greet and thank all those people who make and continue to make their films and who place their trust in us when they give us their documentary to be screened at one of our venues. To all of them, thank you very much.

Long live In-Edit!

Uri Altell- Director and founder

Fiesta 20 aniversario

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