In his debut feature-length documentary, Anton Corbijn serves up the captivating tale of friends Storm Thorgerson and Aubrey “Po” Powell, a dynamic duo who birthed the innovative studio Hipgnosis. Together, they reigned supreme and pushed the boundaries of album cover artistry for legendary acts like Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Peter Gabriel, UFO, 10cc, Paul McCartney, and countless more during the wild and vibrant 1970s—an era undoubtedly marked as one of the most creative, flamboyant, and exhilarating periods in popular music history.
Starring: Aubrey “Po” Powell, David Gilmour, Roger Waters, Nick Mason, Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, Paul McCartney, Peter Gabriel, Peter Saville, Glen Matlock, Noel Gallagher, Graham Gouldman, Roger Dean, Alex Henderson, George Hardie