From October 23th to November 3th 2024
Cines MOOBY Aribau Multicines. C/Aribau 5, Barcelona
*Distribution costs of single tickets and passes are not included.
From the first day of the festival (27 October) you can buy tickets at the Aribau Multicines ticket office.
Festival Passes are only available through our website, they are not sold at the box office.
You can buy tickets on our website or at the cinema box office.
If you want to buy tickets in advance you can only do it through our website.
We will open the ticket office on the first day of the festival.
At the end of September, when schedules and single tickets will be released.
Yes, no tickets are reserved to be sell at the box office.
Festival passes (exchangeable for sessions) and single tickets are already on sale.
From the first day of the festival (26 October) you can buy tickets at the Mooby Aribau Multicines ticket office. Festival Passes are only available through our website, they are not sold at the box office.
Thursday 26th October: from 18:30 to 20:30h.
Other days: from 15:30h until the start of the last session.
You can buy single tickets or passes on our website or ONLY single tickets at the cinema box office. Passes can not be purchased or exchanged at the festival’s box office, only online.
If you want to buy tickets in advance you can only do it through our website.
We will open the ticket office on the first day of the festival.
You can buy passes through our website. Select the type of pass you want to buy . You will have to register or login to the ticket sales page (All In) and proceed to purchase. Remember that passes do not grant access to the venue; these must be exchanged for individual tickets.
You can purchase multiple individual tickets for the same day at once. If you select several documentaries on different days, you will need to redeem and purchase them one by one. Tickets from different days of the Festival do not accumulate.
Passes can now be exchanged for single tickets by following these steps:
Both the exchange of passes and the sale of single tickets can be done by day or by individual passes. If you select several documentaries from different days and do not “exchange and/or purchase” them, you will lose your seat selection and will have to start again.
To check the passes you have purchased, you have to log in to the (All In) ticket sales page with the username and password you used to make the purchase.
No. You can show your ticket on your smartphone, but please check that the document opens correctly and have it ready before entering.
Remember that the proof of purchase is NOT a ticket, you must have the PDF of the ticket.